Modified Bradel Bindings
Lots of good odds and ends of different paper has given me a reason to practice Bradel bindings. Took a while but fun to practice some old skills again.
Bradel #6 Handmade paper pressed into a mould
Bradel #6
Bradel #7 Pastepaper cover
Bradel #7 Silk embroidered headband
Bradel #8 Watercolor marbled cover
Bradel #8
Bradel #1 Pastepaper cover
Bradel #1
Bradel #2 Handmade paper pressed into a mould
Bradel #2 Paper is made from leftover letterpress sheets, The pressure of the type on the paper held a lot of the words and content. The book was a transcription from the oral stories recorded at Wake Forest University by Harry Charger entitled “The Seven Rites of the Lakota” Paper was made from Buffalo hair and Ceremonial Sage gathered at the Lakota Sioux reservation in South Dakota by Mr. Charger.
Bradel #3 Watercolor marbling on flower stem paper
Bradel #3
Bradel #4
Bradel #4
Bradel #4
Bradel #5, pastepaper